Edited by Stephen Cottle. Other contributors from our Housing Team: Tim Baldwin, Adrian Berry, Tessa Buchanan, Sophie Caseley, Justine Compton, Sebastian Elgueta, Ed Fitzpatrick, Kevin Gannon, Adrian Marshall Williams, David Renton, Desmond Rutledge and Marina Sergides.
This new second edition of the Housing Law Handbook is a first port of call for lawyers and advisers dealing with housing as well as for professionals in the social housing sector, providing information in a concise and manageable form to support busy litigators and caseworkers.
To guide you through the various different legislative regimes governing housing law, the book:
- covers possession proceedings from start to finish, including sub-letting, notice requirements, assured tenancies unlawful evictions, succession and deposits;
- provides valuable insights into benefits for housing;
- covers hazardous housing, the Housing Health and Safety Rating System, and disrepair with a new section on Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018;
- has a chapter on anti-social behaviour, closure orders and protection from harassment;
- provides a detailed account of homelessness rights, duties and powers and an explanation of the rules governing the allocation of social housing;
- explains access to housing for persons from abroad; and
- includes a new chapter on costs.